AEM DHC AEM/美国杜邦/ 塑料是东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司常年销售的塑料,因为塑料价格行情每天都有新变化前天的报价不等于今天的报价。本公司销售的所有原料保证是原厂原包,随料可以提供生产厂商提供的物性表、SGS报告,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出现的各种异常现象解决方法,塑料牌号太多,本网站没有提供的本公司也有代理,详情请咨询本公司相关业务人员0769-87795123
低温下的柔性, 耐热性高, 耐油性能, 垫圈, 管道, 密封, 垫圈, 汽车的发动机罩下的零件, 挤出, 压缩模塑, 树脂传递成型, 注射成型
Vamac® DHC
DuPont Performance Elastomers
Technical Data
Vamac® DHC is a dipolymer of ethylene and methylacrylate cured using peroxide vulcanization systems. This gum elastomer includes a small amount of processing aid, and has a nominal specific gravity of 1.04. It has a mild acrylic odor. Use adequate ventilation during storage, mixing, and processing to prevent accumulation of residual vapors. Storage stability is excellent.
Vamac® dipolymers are cured with peroxides and do not require a post cure cycle. Vamac® DHC was developed to improve the cure characteristics of the standard Vamac® dipolymer. Vamac® DHC provides for a higher state of cure and improved compression set. However, the heat age performance is impacted and slightly lower than the standard Vamac® dipolymer. Vamac® DHC is considered to be a 150°C continuous operating temperature elastomer. Vamac® DHC has better oil resistance with service lubricants exhibiting lower oil swell. Low-temperature flexibility is maintained.
Vamac® DHC would be of interest to those customers not needing the higher heat age performance of the standard Vamac® grades (165°C continuous) while wanting to maximize the properties from a non-post cure process with minimal cure time.
The properties of Vamac® DHC make it potentially suitable for a wide range of automotive applications, including powertrain seals and gaskets, rocker cover and bonded piston seals, oil coolant hoses, power steering hoses, crankcase ventilating tubes, coverings for fuel and coolant hoses, O-rings, grommets and spark plug boots.
Vamac® DHC is well suited for injection, transfer and compression molding, and is easily extruded.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
资料 1 • Technical Datasheet (English)
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 欧洲
添加剂 • 加工助剂
性能特点 • 低温下的柔性 • 耐热性,高 • 耐油性能
用途 • 垫圈 • 管道 • 密封
• 垫圈 • 管道 • 汽车的发动机罩下的零件
外观 • 黄色
形式 • 包
加工方法 • 挤出 • 压缩模塑
• 树脂传递成型 • 注射成型
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
门尼粘度 (ML 1+4, 100°C) 21MU ASTM D1646
弹性体 额定值单位制 测试方法
拉伸应力 (100%应变) 11.1MPa ASTM D412
抗张强度 (屈服) 21.0MPa ASTM D412
伸长率 (断裂) 180% ASTM D412
压缩永久变形 ASTM D395
150°C, 168 hr 3 33%
150°C, 1010 hr 4 50%
硬度 额定值单位制 测试方法
硬度计硬度 (邵氏 A) 71 ASTM D2240
老化 额定值单位制 测试方法
空气中拉伸强度的变化率 ASTM D573
150°C, 1008 hr -5.2%
100% 应变, 150°C, 1008 hr 24%
空气中极限伸长率的变化率 (150°C, 1008 hr) -12% ASTM D573
空气中硬度计硬度的变化率 (支撐 A, 150°C, 1008 hr) 11 ASTM D573
拉伸强度的变化率 ASTM D471
150°C, 1008 hr, 在SF105油中 -19%
100% 应变, 150°C, 1008 hr, 在SF105油中 5.6%
极限伸长率的变化率 (150°C, 1008 hr, 在SF105油中) -21% ASTM D471
硬度计硬度的变化率 (支撐 A, 150°C, 1008 hr, 在SF105油中) -9.0 ASTM D471
Vamac® DHC
DuPont Performance Elastomers
老化 额定值单位制 测试方法
体积变化 (150°C, 1008 hr, 在SF105油中) 24% ASTM D471
补充信息 额定值单位制 测试方法
MDR 5 ASTM D5289
MH : 177°C 1.89J
ML : 177°C 0.0667J
Slope : 177°C 2.60in-lbs/m.m
T50 : 177°C 1.5min
T90 : 177°C 5.5min
Ts2 : 177°C 0.7min
挥发性 < 0.7wt% 内部方法
东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司大量销售塑料AEM DHC AEM/美国杜邦/ 因为塑料价格行情每天都有新的变化前天的报价不等于今天的报价。如果需要新的价格请电:13549213581,肖生。